What we stand for

Our Pillars

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Jesus is coming soon! Our Bridegroom desires to know us. He desires us to delight in being with Him doing the one thing that is necessary, sitting at His feet and listening to His Voice. Therefore, we seek to dwell in His Presence in everything we do. We respond to His love by loving Him back with all of our heart, all of our soul, all of our mind, and all of our strength. We truly believe that apart from Jesus, we can do nothing!


Now is the time to “buy oil” for our lamps through intimacy with Jesus. One way we buy oil at ROOTED is through extended times of prayer and worship focused on beholding the beauty of Jesus and seeking His face. We create space for Him to speak to us, to reveal more of Himself and His love to us, and to align our hearts and lives with Him as we grow towards a lifestyle of praying without ceasing.

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Obedient to God's Word & Voice

We immerse ourselves in the Word of God as we delight in His Word and journey through the entirety of Scripture together. We will gather together around the Scriptures to read, reflect, and meditate on His Word. As we encounter Him together through the Word, we will prayerfully respond to what the Holy Spirit reveals to us and we will obey His Voice and His Word as He leads us and shapes us to become more like Jesus.

Equipped for the Work of Ministry

Our instructors will equip you so that you can confidently obey Jesus’ command to make disciples and do the works of the ministry that God has specifically prepared for you to do. You will also be encouraged to grow and mature in your unique grace giftings within the life of the church, recognizing that each person has a vital role to play in maturing the body of Christ and preparing the Bride for Christ’s return.

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Character Formation

You are called to let your light shine before others, boldly and confidently living your life as a follower of Jesus. Students will develop a greater level of confidence and emotional maturity to thrive in the world we face today as the Spirit leads them on their own personal journey with Him. Leaders will also walk alongside you to help you learn and develop practical skills that will be used in all areas of your life. 

Self-Sacrificial Service

Jesus came to serve, not to be served. You will have a unique opportunity to practically serve at The Almond Tree Children’s Village making a valuable contribution to the lives of the orphaned and vulnerable babies and children that The Almond Tree provides care and protection for. You will also give of yourself fully within the life of City on a Hill Church in Benoni, South Africa. We will also explore opportunities for outreach into our Four12 partnering churches across the nations.

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